THE Global Ocean Observing System
Member Activities

Links to Mediterrenean marine institutes, international organisations and related initiatives





ECOOP - European COastal sea Operational observing and Forecasting System
SeaDataNet - SEADATANET aims to develop an efficient distributed Pan-European Marine Data Management Infrastructure for managing these large and diverse data sets.
MOON - Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network
SESAME - SESAME aims to assess and predict changes in the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea) ecosystems and in their ability to provide key goods and services
MedGLOSS - Monitoring Network System for Systematic Sea Level Measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
MFS - Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project View the ocean forecast
MEDAR/MEDATLAS - Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue
EDIOS - European Directory of the Initial Ocean-observing System
ADRICOSM is a Pilot Project that aims to implement an integrated coastal zone management system in the Adriatic Sea



UNEP – Mediterranean Action Plan
IOC – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
CIESM – Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerrannée
IOI – International Ocean Institute
REMPEC - Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea




EurOcean is a recently created focal point for information in Europe on marine science and technology. The EurOcean Internet portal intends to be an electronic platform of communication and information for all actors with interest in marine science and technology in Europe. One of its functions is to be the IOC regional portal for Europe. Already, the EurOcean portal provides information in three main domains: marine research infrastructures, national and European RTD programmes.


Member Activities


CapeMalta - Physical Oceanography Online.

CYCOFOS - Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System


Copyright 2008 MedGOOS.